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Education Major, Double Major, Minor Declaration

Students may declare a major, double major or minor in education, but to be admitted into the college’s Teacher Education Program, those seeking a teaching certificate must meet the following criteria:

•     TCU students must have a 2.75 or better GPA.

•    Entering students have no specific requirements to declare an education major but must have a 2.75 or better GPA to be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program.

•     All teacher education majors seeking teacher certification must maintain high professional standards and acceptable academic performance (a minimum 2.75 GPA overall and a “C-” or better in all content areas and education coursework).

Students who declare a major in Youth Advocacy and Educational Studies (YAES) or a minor in Educational Studies do not need to be admitted to the program, but do need to meet the following requirements:

•     All students pursuing a minor in educational studies or a degree in youth advocacy and educational studies (YAES) must maintain high professional standards and acceptable academic performance (a minimum 2.00 GPA overall and a “C-” or better in education coursework.

Students who major in interdisciplinary inquiry (IINQ) must apply for admission to the program. To be eligible to apply for the programs, students must meet the following requirements:

•     Students must have earned a TCU GPA at or above 3.0 and have earned at least 12, but not more than 66, semester hours credit. The eligibility of incoming transfer students (who lack a TCU GPA) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Pass/No-Credit Policy

The University Pass/No-Credit Policy states that students may take up to two courses (8 hours maximum) on a P/NC basis. No course applied to the student's major, minor or associated requirements may be taken on the P/NC basis. Courses offered with only the P/NC option will not count toward this limit on the number of P/NC hours. Students in the College of Education may not take any education course required for teacher certification or in their teaching content area on the P/NC basis, with the exceptions of student teaching and the Professional Practice Seminar.

Teacher Education Program Admission

Students who plan to earn a teaching certificate must formally apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program. They must meet, or will meet during the semester in which they apply, the minimum criteria. However, doing only the minimum does not ensure admission to the program. According to the criteria, students must:

•     Complete a minimum of 54 semester hours of coursework with an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher.

•     Complete the ethics training module required by the Texas Education Agency and sign the Educator Code of Ethics form.

•     Some programs require students to complete with a "C-" or better EDUC20003, and EDED30103. See specific program details in "Education Majors, Minors and Certificates".

•     Earn a C- or better in an oral communication (OCO) core course.

•     Complete 12 hours of content area coursework or 15 hours if the certification sought is mathematics or science.

•     Achieve a “C-” or better in all content areas and education courses taken prior to admission. See specific program details in “Education Majors, Minors and Certifications.”

•     Meet expectations outlined in the professional educator dispositions-screening rubric

•     Demonstrate high professional, ethical, and relational standards of behavior, appropriate emotional control, and communication (oral, written, technological) with adults, children and fellow students.

•     Current (within one year) criminal record check.

•     Sign FERPA Agreement.

•     Preparation Program Fee, as required by 19 TAC 229.9(7). The fee will appear on your TCU student account.

Students applying for admission to the Teacher Education Program should do so by March 1 for fall admission and Oct. 1 for the spring. Eligible transfer students only may apply July 1 - August 1. Late applications will be considered on a space-available basis. Eligibility to apply does not ensure admission to the program. The Admissions Committee will consider minimum criteria, as well as student performance (professional attitude, demeanor, abilities and preparation) and space in the program.

Any exception to these admission standards must be approved by the program faculty and the college dean and/or the college’s Texas Education Agency approved educator preparation program designee.

Prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program, students may take a number of pre-admission education courses. See specific program details in “Education Majors, Minors and Certifications.” Teacher education majors may not register for any other education courses until admitted to the college’s Teacher Education Program..

Criminal Record Search

In accordance with Texas Senate Bill 9 and at the request of the State Board of Educator Certification, the College of Education has established procedures for annual criminal background checks for all education majors and minors. The College of Education requires a criminal background check prior to admission, field experiences and clinical teaching.

Liability Insurance

As students enter public and private schools for observations, tutoring, after-school programs and clinical teaching, it is important to be covered by liability insurance. Under Texas law, both the student intern and teacher can be held responsible for a child’s injury. Liability insurance is offered at low cost to teachers-in-training who belong to a teacher organization such as the TCU chapter of the Texas Student Education Association (TSTA-NEA), which covers liability insurance, costs of defending claims and some attorney fees. Other teacher organizations in the state — ATPE, UEA, AFT — offer similar coverage.

Teacher Education Program Retention

Students must maintain acceptable academic performance (a minimum 2.75 GPA overall and a grade of “C-” or better in content area and education courses), as well as high professional standards in order to advance in the program and to clinical teaching. The college is dedicated to identifying and intervening to assist students who demonstrate difficulties maintaining these standards.

Any faculty member who has a concern with a student's performance and/or professionalism may initiate the Academic Performance and Professionalism Warning (APPW) process.

1.    First, the faculty member fills out the APPW form describing the concerns and indicating potential solutions.

2.    A conference between the student and two faculty members is required. The parties discuss the student's understanding of the problem and agree on a course of action. The APPW contract is signed by the student and faculty members. If the student fails to respond or attend a conference, the faculty will complete the form and notify the student via certified mail.

3.    The completed form is signed by the appropriate department chair, submitted to the associate dean, the student and TCU Dean of Students.

4.    Any student receiving three notices through this process may be considered for dismissal from the College of Education. In an unusually severe situation, a single notice may result in dismissal from the Teacher Education Program and/or the college. These notices do not become part of a student's permanent academic record.

Clinical (Student) Teaching Admission

Any student who wishes to be considered for admission to clinical teaching must meet the following requirements:

•     Completion of all content area and education coursework with a minimum 2.75 GPA and no grade lower than a “C-”;

•     A minimum overall TCU GPA of 2.75;

•     Completion and documentation of all field-based coursework and hours;

•     Successful completion of EDEC/EDUC/EDMS/EDSE 30001: Professional Practice Seminar; and

•     Demonstration of high professional, ethical and relational standards of behavior, appropriate emotional control, and communication (oral, written and technological) with adults, children and fellow students.

Applications for clinical teaching are due by February 1 for fall clinical teaching and September 1 for spring clinical teaching. The Teacher Education Program admissions committee will consider minimum criteria, as well as student performance (professional attitude, demeanor, abilities and preparation). Any exception to these clinical teaching standards must be approved by the program faculty and the college dean and/or the college’s Texas Education Agency approved educator preparation program designee.

Accelerated Master's Option

The accelerated master’s option is for high-achieving undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education. This option is available only to TCU undergraduates obtaining a baccalaureate degree in early childhood (EC-6), middle school or secondary education, or a baccalaureate degree in youth advocacy and educational studies. The accelerated option allows outstanding students to complete a bachelor’s degree with the Master of Education (MEd) in five years. Students are eligible to apply for admission to the graduate program during the semester they complete 90 hours of undergraduate coursework. To be considered for admission to the accelerated master’s option, students must submit a graduate program application packet. Only candidates demonstrating superior undergraduate academic performance and having strong recommendations are considered for admission.

Students intending to pursue an accelerated master’s option should make their plans known as early as possible; to their faculty adviser in the college. If admitted to an accelerated master’s program, students complete up to 12 hours of the Med program during the fourth year of undergraduate study. Candidates must work with their advisers to determine how the courses they take will apply to the undergraduate degree. During their senior year, they complete the following classes:

EC-6 Undergraduate Major


Reading Instruction in Grades 3-6



Motivating and Managing Students in the Classroom



Advanced Clinical Teaching


Middle/Secondary Undergraduate Major


Educational Assessment



Motivating and Managing Students in the Classroom



Advanced Clinical Teaching


Youth Advocacy and Educational Studies Undergraduate Major


Schools, Curriculum and Society



Diversity in American Education



Internship: Youth Advocacy and Educational Studies


At the end of the fourth year, assuming all other graduation requirements are met, the student earns the baccalaureate degree. In the fifth year, including summer, the student completes the remaining semester hours toward the MEd degree.  Students will complete 9 hours of core courses, 12 hours from the Teaching and Learning emphasis (including EDMS/SE 51103 Educational Assessment), and 15 hours from content area specialization as described under the Traditional Master’s Option.

Note: No more than 15 hours of 50000-level classes may be applied toward a master’s degree.


To obtain Texas teacher certification at TCU, students must complete the Teacher Education Program in the college and achieve a BSE degree.

After graduation, TCU will recommend the student to the state of Texas for teacher certification upon completion of the following requirements:

•     Conferred BSE degree from the college

•     Successful completion of the Teacher Education Program, including the clinical teaching experience

•     Passing scores on the required state certification exams

•     Final GPA of 2.75 with a “C- “or better in education and content area coursework

•     Demonstration of ethical behavior, bot professionally and personally, as outlined by the TEA Educator Code of Ethics while enrolled in the Texas Education Program

Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES)

All Teacher Education Program graduates applying for Texas teacher certification must pass Texas Educator Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) assessments. Examination requirements vary by certification area(s) being sought. Contact the college Director of Accreditation, Certification and Assessment for details. Students who fail to complete the initial certification exams and/or complete certification within three years of program completion may be required to complete additional coursework/training and successfully complete certification practice exams as deemed necessary by the College of Education.

To be eligible to take the TExES certification exam, students must pass the practice representative exams, which are offered during a professional practice seminar. Students who do not pass the practice exams must present evidence of test preparation before the exam will be re-administered. A student who receives no credit in the professional practice seminar is not considered a program completer and will not be released to take TExES exam(s).

Title II

Teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher learning are required to report the pass rates of their program graduates on the exams that qualify them for certification in their state. The most recent, complete Institutional Report for TITLE II is available on the College of Education website.

Languages Other Than English (LOTE)

All individuals seeking Texas teaching certification with a major in Spanish must take the Languages other than English (LOTE) TExES state exam along with the TExES approved pedagogy assessment.

Education Major Transfer Work Credit

After enrolling at TCU:

•     All education majors must receive prior written approval from their academic adviser and the associate dean before taking courses at another institution. Coursework taken without prior written approval may not be applied to a degree.

•     No more than four courses, up to 16 total semester hours, except those earned in an approved study abroad program, may be transferred from other schools.

•     No credit may be transferred from another institution once 90 cumulative semester hours have been earned towards a bachelor’s degree.

•     Transcripts of coursework taken elsewhere must reach the Office of the Registrar within 30 days of completion of the coursework.

International Education Opportunities

Students in the college have opportunities to participate in international experiences throughout their undergraduate studies. International programs may vary by year. Contact TCU Global or the associate dean of undergraduate studies for more information.

College of Education Career Services Center

The Career Services Center maintains contact with public and private schools seeking teachers, school counselors, administrators and other types of educational personnel. Registration with the center entitles students to file a summary of their academic records together with requested recommendations from teachers and others acquainted with their qualifications. Former students may use the center in seeking positions. The center provides on-campus interviews with school districts in Texas, as well as outside the state. More than 75 school districts conduct interviews on campus each year.

Education Student Organizations

The College of Education sponsors student organizations for the purpose of promoting professional goals and interests, as well as providing recreation and fellowship among members. An international honor society in education, Kappa Delta Pi, invites to membership juniors, seniors, graduate students and classroom teachers who possess high scholarship ability. TCU's chapter of the Texas Student Education Association provides students with associate membership in the National Education Association and the Texas State Teachers Association (TSEA). TSEA provides students with the opportunity to meet and discuss professional concerns and goals with experienced teachers in the profession. The Council for Exceptional Children pre-professional organization is open to all students interested in special education.